Monday, November 25, 2013

How to survive a Vancouver winter!

Most of my friends tell me how lucky I am that I am able to fly and get away from winter in Vancouver whenever I choose to. The reality is that winter in Van City really isn't that bad!
I mean we are basically the Los Angeles of Canada! We even have palm trees at English Bay! Winters in Vancouver have NOTHING on winters back east! Im sure my friends back east can ALL agree. I mean have you ever stepped out of the Pierre Trudeau Airport in Montreal and walked into a wall of freezing cold air? Im serious, the first time I ever experienced -30 something degree weather was in Montreal. As soon as I stepped through those doors and out into the freezing cold air, I couldn't breath. My throat felt like it froze. I literally ran back into the airport and started swearing like there was no tomorrow! I think I was in shock!

Another time when I remember being extremely cold, was in Calgary back in 2007, and it was after a 4 day pairing from Hawaii. I remember one of the crew members I worked with offered me a ride downtown (I was temporarily living in Calgary at the time) When we got back to Calgary after laying out under the tropical hawaiian sun, the entire city was blanketed by 10 feet of snow! I remember standing in the snow covered parking lot FREEEEEEZING, while my poor friend brushed the snow off the car and then proceeded to scrape the ice of the windshield... or something around those lines. I was too cold to fully pay attention. I was probably border line hyperthermic by then. I just remember how extremely cold I was, and I kept asking my self "how do people live in such a cold city!"

I don't know if most of you guys know but I'm actually South American. I was born in late December in Lima, Peru --- Thats right, thanks to a lovely thing called The Equator, I was born during a hot mid summers night. Very mild winters and hot summers is what I am used to. When I first came to Vancouver, I didn't seem to notice the cold winters as a kid. I guess I was too pre occupied with skipping rope, pretending to be Sailor Moon or running around the schools play ground playing tag and crashing full force into some poor girl, then noticing that my front tooth had punctured her in the forehead and remained there (Thats another story that I wont get into right now) In other words I was too busy being a kid to notice how cold it was. Why is it that kids don't seem to be very temperature sensitive? I mean as a kid I used to run and jump into pools without even thinking of the temperature of the water. Now I have to make my way into pools and oceans little by little because I am the biggest pussy when it comes to cold water. It wasn't until my years in high school when I started to notice how cold it got here in Vancouver. I mean compared to Calgary, Winterpeg, Ottawa, Montreal, Toronto etc... It is not comparable. Nevertheless, Vancouver gets a different kind of cold. A cold that seems to penetrate you to the bones and linger. It is a wet cold but still not as cold as all those other places I mentioned. The worst thing about winters in Vancouver is the wet, gray cold weather but if your prepared for it its not that bad.

Just today I met a couple from San Diego I could tell they did not live in Canada by their "winter attire" These people where dressed as if they were going to the North Pole. Im talking big puffy jackets, puffy snow pants, toques, mittens, earmuffs, scarves you name it! Back east this is normal but in Vancouver during November? Not so much! To me the weather today was very tolerable! It wasn't too cold, yet it was still sort of warm in the sun. I guess im finally getting used to the weather here! 

 Here are a couple things that help me feel warm during the winter!

1. At home I love to burn a lot of candles. The ones that have warm scents to them such as apple cinnamon or warm amber sure help me feel cozy! 

2. Always take a hot bath when you get home. Make sure you put a lot of bubble bath in it! Light a couple candles and VOILA! Its a great way to de stress and warm up! You would be surprised by the amount of people that skip having baths and just have plain old boring showers. 

3. BAKE! Bake a lot of cookies! For family members and friends! Keeping your oven on is a great way to keep your home toasty warm and smelling delicious! 

4. Buy lots of warm faux fur blankets or real fur but ONLY if its vintage. There is nothing more cozy and warm than getting under a warm fuzzy blanket. If you can, I would recommend staying in bed as long as possible!

5. Get a boyfriend, girlfriend or a pet. Its always nice to have a warm body next to you. If you don't have any of these then a warm water bottle should do the trick, but if you are one of the lucky peeps who DO have a partner and a pet, have some quality cuddle time with them!

6. When you go out BUNDLE UP!!!! Who cares if you look like a fool, if anything you will be a warm looking fool. Toques, scarves, wool socks, puffy jackets and pants, ear muffs and mittens, even those super huge shawls that women wear now a days that kind of look like the picture below! If you don't have one of those super huge shawls then just drape over a blanket! People wont know the difference ;) I promise.

7. If you have a sauna or hot tub in your house or apartment USE IT! Immediately after, take a hot shower and get into your onzie! Onzies are a must! GET ONE!

8. Hot yoga is amazing! Try it! There's nothing better than a room full of hot sweaty people all harmonizing to the same energy and burning calories at the same time! I guess its kind of like and orgy minus the sex? You will definitely feel the awesome "after yoga high!"

9. Take a 10 minute vacation and visit your nearest tanning salon. Yeah, I know its not the best thing out there for you, but its really worth it when you live in a place live Vancouver. Anyone who lives in Vancouver or even Seattle knows what I mean. Even if your in the tanning bed for 5 minutes! It makes a huge difference! On another note you should also look into getting vitamin D capsules! 

10. And last but not least, getting between those fuzzy blankets with a special someone and "warming" each other up is definitely the best way to get warm this winter and many winters to come. Im positive this will be your boyfriends favorite method!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Faux leather trims


I really love the faux leather trim movement right now! I love the look of black on black with a bit of a faux leather trim. It looks crisp, clean and contemporary. Denim with faux leather, trench coats with faux leather, skirts and shirts with faux leather, I love it all!

I know this has been a trend that has been going on for a while, but I've finally jumped on board and purchased my first black on black crew neck pull over with faux leather sleeves, I LOVE IT!

At first I thought I couldn't pull it off because Im so tall -6'2- and I don't really like to draw attention to my self on the streets, unless I know I look 100% amazing! I figured why not? Im only young once, and I cant imagine me pulling this look off when I'm 80... even though I will probably try it again then. If I do I'll be sure to right a blog about faux leather trims "now and then" Just kidding :p So to everyone who is contemplating this look! Just do it! Give it a shot! What do you have to lose? I did and I loved it!

 My blog is still under construction but stay tuned for future posts! Thanks for stopping by! 

XOXO Dario

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Too early for Christmas joy?

I woke up this morning with the biggest grin on my face! I was thinking to my self, would it be crazy to start putting up Christmas decorations and listen to Christmas music mid November? I don't know about you guys but December is my favorite month of the year. Not only is my birthday December 27th but my favorite holiday is in December too...thats right Christmas! 

I know that some people find it super annoying when stores put up Holiday decor and start playing Christmas music as soon as the Jacko lanterns come down, at least they do here in Canada. I think the States has it figured out when it comes to the order of holidays. They have Halloween just like everyone else on the 31st of October, followed by Thanks giving in November and then giving December its own time to shine and be special. 

Here in Canada we don't have anything other than Movember in November. So I get restless and impatient because I cant wait for November to be over. 
So my question is... Is it to early to start putting up Christmas lights and holiday decor? Is it to early to start drinking eggnog lattes? Is it too early for Christmas movies? Who knows... I have mixed feelings about it. But the truth be told, I just cant wait for December! Heres one of my FAVORITE Hot Chocolate recipes!  Stay tuned!

  • 8 Cups of 2% or whole milk
  • 3/4 Cup of packed brown sugar
  • 1/3 Cup unsweetened cocoa
  • 1 Teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1/8 Teaspoon of ground nutmeg
  • 3 Ounces of semisweet chocolate, finely chopped
  • 12 Candy canes
  • 3/4 Cup of miniature marshmallows 


Combine milk, sugar, cocoa, vanilla, nutmeg, and semisweet chocolate in a large saucepan over medium low heat. Cook for 25 minutes or until chocolate melts and mixture is smooth, stirring occasionally. Serve with candy canes and marshmallows. You could also garnish with a whole nutmeg, if desired. 

XOXO Dario

Monday, November 11, 2013

Some one pinch me!

An opportunity came up for me to go to an open call for a flight attendant position with Air Canada in Toronto. On February 22, 2010, I took a risk and I flew to Toronto during the busiest and most expensive flying times of the year, because at the time it was the Vancouver 2010 Olymics.

I booked my flight that very same day. The following day I was on the plane flying to Toronto. I Flew on the redeye flight from Vancouver right after I got off work.

I got ready at the airport and went off to the open call at the Hyatt Hotel.
I didnt know what to expect, I have never been to an open call before. When I got there I was in shock by the amount of people that turned out. I was later told that an estimate of 2500 showed up combined on the first and second day. I waited in line for about six to seven hours and finally it was my turn to meet the interviewer. My heart was beating so hard and I was shaking. I was so nervous. After fifteen minutes of being interviewed they asked me to proceed to french language testing, and oh my goodness this made me even more nervous, but the good thing is I passed my French testing! They rated me 2 out of 4 which was more than I thought I was going to get. Then she asked me to come back the following day for Spanish language testing. I got 4 out of 4 on that. After I passed the first 15 minute interview, the French testing and the Spanish testing, they asked me to come back to Toronto the following week for a second interview.
As I was on my way back to Toronto International Airport to catch my flight I realized once I got there my flight wasn't for that day but for the following day! I went up to the counter agent who was very friendly and I explained my situation and she said it wasn't a problem and that she could get me on the flight that was leaving in 15 minutes! I was so grateful!
She put me on the 1900h flight to Sydney Australia via Vancouver I rushed through the airport and through security and once I boarded the plane I couldn't find my seat! I asked the flight attendant where my seat was and she said I was in the wrong cabin and that my seat was at the front of the plane in the executive class cabin! I couldn't believe it! Everything seemed to be working out! I sat next to a very nice young lady who later I found out was a flight attendant for Air Canada. She even let me use her discount so I could afford to fly back to Toronto for the second interview. She is now a great friend of mine!

When I arrived in Vancouver I had such a drive to succeed and accomplish my goal and dream. I studied the company, the aircrafts, the history of Air Canada, everything about Air Canada. I wanted to be as prepared as I could be.

The following week when I returned to Toronto I was nervous, excited, so many emotions where going through me!
First they asked us to fill out a psychological exam followed by a 45 minute one on one interview with one of the recruiting flight attendants, followed by a 4 person group situational scenario. After all these test were completed only the successful candidates where asked to come back for a final step, which was an airline medical examination where they tested our blood, urine,hearing, sight, reflexes, measured our hight and weight and even our flexibility.

They didn't tell us right away wether we get the position or not so I waited and waited.

Three weeks went by. When I checked my email I received a letter that read ...
"Congratulations! We are pleased to offer you a position in our Initial Flight Attendant Training program beginning May 3rd, 2010. Your training will be conducted in our Montreal training centre. You will be based in Toronto as a Permanent Flight Attendant immediately following your course."

My jaw dropped! I could not believe all the hard work, dedication, time and effort had finally paid off!
So now I am very pleased to tell you guys that I am a flight attendant! 
Three years later I am loving every second of my job! I've been to so many places around the world and have met amazing people doing it. I have been to temples in Japan, I've shopped and toured in Beijing and Shanghai, I've soaked up the sun on the beaches of Sydney, Australia, I've wined and dinned in Santiago, I've stood under the Big Ben in awe, I've strolled the beautiful streets of Paris. I could go on and on but I wont! The future looks bright! Im excited to see what the future holds for me. Keep tuned for future updates!!

XOXO Dario